The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

It hardly seems possible that it was almost 50 years ago that I graduated from Penn State. Those were good years and I remember them fondly, especially the fun times at Delta Tau Delta. A few years after graduation I was transferred to Houston, Texas. By comparison to Pennsylvania, Texas was a foreign country, but a lot of very good things happened to me there. After a while I quit my job and went to graduate school for a couple more degrees. I met a wonderful woman, married her and we had two sons. After grad school I jumped into the computer software and technology business at a propitious time. This took me to a lot of interesting places in Europe and Asia and piqued my interest in the world beyond the good old USA. Our two sons are now grown; one is a lawyer with the US State Department in the Middle East (Iraq and Afghanistan), and the other runs his own translation company in China. Of course, we use them as our excuse to travel. We now live in Vienna, VA, just outside Washington DC. The picture is of Stephany and me at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River in western Colorado. I don't have any pictures of me as a student because at that time cameras had not yet been invented.